Halftime! LMS trends though July

Sixth months are nearly gone and with that comes a few LMS trends I am seeing in the space.

Answering your LMS Questions

With the power of Linkedin, Quora and other social media sites, people will seek answers on their next LMS. It is inevitable. This blog will help you answer those questions ahead of time, without the spin.

What consumers want in a LMS – can you say WOW?

A huge issue facing the industry is a hubris mentality. They believe that their system doesn’t need a new look because their current customers are not asking for it. Yet beauty is in the eye of the beholder and a new breed of customers are not seeing it in many LMSs.

E-Learning Screen recording and video solutions – Should b simple, so why isn’t it?

With the new screen recording and video recording solutions for our industry, things are changing. Some features make sense, some don’t. Some products are easy to use, but many are not. The question is why?

Now you bought a LMS: Implement, Train and Support

Purchasing a LMS is only the first step in the process. Implementing is the 2nd, followed by training and support.

Will the e-learning light finally turn on for all?

The data continues to pour in showing that e-learning is achieving better results than any other form of learning, especially instructor led. So why is is that the training community (and even education) as a whole is still ILT driven, especially with blended learning?

May Edition: E-Learning News and Notes

Read the latest trends including ILT folks finally admitting that online is the way to go (albeit grudgingly), a new sub-genre has arrived and a trend that is coming into focus.

Review of ASTD International Trade Expo

The ASTD International Trade Show Expo wrapped up this week, and it had everything. From very cool products to higher interest in e-learning to great lead gen for vendors. However, it also struck out in numerous ways.