How to succeed with online learning for colleges and universities

While the growth of online learning in higher education is rapid, it still receives as a whole an “F”. It doesn’t have to be.

Dispelling the LMS Myth

People love to espouse the view that learning management systems require x factors to survive going forward. They love to pitch survival within the confines of the modern business world. They also love to perpetuate myths that lack facts and data to support them.

Answering your LMS Questions

With the power of Linkedin, Quora and other social media sites, people will seek answers on their next LMS. It is inevitable. This blog will help you answer those questions ahead of time, without the spin.

Will the e-learning light finally turn on for all?

The data continues to pour in showing that e-learning is achieving better results than any other form of learning, especially instructor led. So why is is that the training community (and even education) as a whole is still ILT driven, especially with blended learning?

Online Learning in Education

Online learning in education continues to grow at a fast pace. Data backs up this up, with K-12 schools getting into the act. Online learning is the answer – from a cost and learning perspective.