Going to LTUK2022? My Guide on Which vendors to check out

The ultimate guide identifying the learning systems and e-learning solutions that you should check out. As for the others? Pass.

Hybrid Workplace – Will ILT become a relic?

The hybrid workplace model will be the standard in the business world. As a result, ILT will take a major hit. To such an extent, it will become a relic.

Informal, Formal – End 4 E-Learning

Formal learning and informal learning are for folks who remember the good ol’days and think it applies now for online. It doesn’t.

Top Six E-Learning Tools for 2015

My top six e-learning tools. Plus a brief commentary on the outdated 70-20-10 approach and informal-formal.

Saudi Arabia, E-Learning and What’s Next (the industry)

The e-learning and distance learning conference in Saudi Arabia, brought a whole new perspective on what is taking place with e-learning in the Kingdom. It was enlightening and exciting.

Online Educa Berlin 2014 Conference Review #OEB14

Speaking.  The Final Frontier of E-learning.  These are the voyages of me.  My five year  (okay, as many years) mission

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Y R Some Vendors confused about e-learning?

As e-learning grows so come new challenges and issues to resolve. The latest to show up? Lack of e-learning knowledge and expertise. For those that offer it, they tend to hide in the shadows.

Trade Show Circuit 2013

In just one month, the e-learning trade show season will be upon us.  While at one time there was little

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Dispelling the LMS Myth

People love to espouse the view that learning management systems require x factors to survive going forward. They love to pitch survival within the confines of the modern business world. They also love to perpetuate myths that lack facts and data to support them.