COVID-19 and its Impact on Learning

COVID19 will require changes to be made at the workplace, one of which, is learning. Equally, for education, where e-learning can make a positive difference.

Naming Names – LMS Mini Reviews

The latest feature from E-Learning 24/7 provides insight into what is happening with some LMS vendors along with mini takes (reviews) on lesser known systems (coming in May).

ASTD International Conference Day 1 Wrap-Up

Welcome one and all to the wrap up of the ASTD international conference and expo. It was an exciting first

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ASTD TechKnowledge 2013, Day 2

Wow, wasn’t that marching band fantastic? I loved the lip synch of that tune. Okay, time for the 2nd half

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How to Buy a LMS

Finding and buying a LMS can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Knowing the jargon, deciding whether you want to go it alone or hire a consultant and understanding how vendors think, are essential keys. The question is how will you use those keys.

How to succeed with online learning for colleges and universities

While the growth of online learning in higher education is rapid, it still receives as a whole an “F”. It doesn’t have to be.

E-Learning Takeaways

The world will not end of 12-21-2012, but for many e-learning vendors they are acting as though it was. They are holding back on making decisions that will only benefit their market share.

Dispelling the LMS Myth

People love to espouse the view that learning management systems require x factors to survive going forward. They love to pitch survival within the confines of the modern business world. They also love to perpetuate myths that lack facts and data to support them.