Halftime! LMS trends though July

Sixth months are nearly gone and with that comes a few LMS trends I am seeing in the space.

Answering your LMS Questions

With the power of Linkedin, Quora and other social media sites, people will seek answers on their next LMS. It is inevitable. This blog will help you answer those questions ahead of time, without the spin.

What consumers want in a LMS – can you say WOW?

A huge issue facing the industry is a hubris mentality. They believe that their system doesn’t need a new look because their current customers are not asking for it. Yet beauty is in the eye of the beholder and a new breed of customers are not seeing it in many LMSs.

How to Sell a LMS

Selling in the LMS industry can easily be achieved. Yet there are many salespeople who just fail to achieve it. End result – lack of clients. Lack of sales.

Education learning management system trends

While many people assume that education as a whole is on the precipice, online learning is on the rise – for the better. The ones leading this charge are education focused learning management systems.

LMS Stories – Fantasy or Reality?

There are lots of stories out there regarding LMSs. Past ones included the LMS is dead (not true) and LMS customers want only systems that have talent management (not true). Sit back and read some harrowing LMS stories making the rounds and then you decide what is fact from fiction.

Latest Trends in E-Learning

There are numerous trends that are appearing in the marketplace, especially over the past two quarters.

LMSs, TMs and HCMs

E-Learning is changing right in front of our eyes. Learning Management systems are adding talent management components. Full talent management systems are starting to flip into human capital management systems. Is it ever going to stop?