man in black jacket walking on sidewalk during night time

Learning System Failures – Recognize and Fix

We are all faced with challenges. Perserverance we are told is crucial. But so is recognizing a failure a series of them, then finding ways to fix or correct it.

Reskilling vs Skilling, E-Learning Selection, and more

Mailbag questions from readers – covers reskilling vs skilling; seeking a consultant for strategy and selecting an LMS, LXP, learning platform and what is relevant when looking at any type of learning system.

Learning System Relationships – Renew or Break Free

Do you stay with your LMS, LXP, Learning Platform or other type of learning system? Or do you break up the relationship?

Enterprise Learning Systems – How I love thee?

Do you love your Enterprise LMS? Enterprise Learning Platform? Enterprise LXP? If not, what happened? When did it break your heart?

Confused? Welcome to the Learning System World of 2024

2024 is already becoming a land of confusion with learning system pricing, AI, terminology and more. This post digs through the weeds.

Buying a Learning System – Dread

LMS. LXP. Learning Platform. Any type of Learning System – the process can be dreadful. It doesn’t have to be, but somewhere along the way, DREAD may popup.

Frontline Workers + Online Learning – Does it work?

Frontline workers are essential, and yet, companies seem to lack a process and strategy when it comes to gen-ai, and automation. Especially with the lack of targeted focus online content and system to keep and retain them, regardless of if they have new technology or not.

Top 10 Learning Systems 23-24

The Top 10 Learning Systems for 2023-24. The number one system? Thought Industries. Number two? Juno Journey. Number three? Learn Amp

Halloween Edition – Trick or Treat?