Interview with Instructional Design Pioneer, Dean Pichee

Learn the latest around instructional design, methods you can use as a novice or expert, and where the industry is heading, with the learning expert in the industry, Dean Pichee, CEO and Founder of Biz Library.

Wanted – Instructional Designer

Whether you are looking to hire an outside candidate or looking from within, there are skill sets you will want from an instructional designer. Here is how to find the best person for the job.

How to build an effective online course

How to create an effective online course, regardless of length. Instructional design for anyone.

Best Practices for e-learning and m-learning course building

The biggest challenge I believe facing the LMS/Learning Platform space from a course standpoint and content, is the quality.  It

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State of the Authoring Tool Industry 2015

The state of the authoring tool industry for 2015. Responsive is the buzz word for the year, HTML5 right behind it and along the way, some vendors are missing the boat on numerous possibilities.

The King is Dead

Gazing upon the Tower of London it occurred to me that upon this tower where many folks lost their lives,

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Static E-Learning – DANGER Will Robinson!

99% of today’s web based training courses are nothing more than static content – text, with some photos or text with a video of someone talking next to it. End users get bored and rush through the course never to come back. You can make any topic fully interactive and engaging – so that your end users will comprehend, retain and synthesize the information. Best of all, you can do it at a low cost.