R U Asking the Right Questions to your content provider?

3rd party course and content publishers capture data. Knowing what the data is and how it can be relevant to your end-user learning and training, is another essential part of the learning or training experience.

Content – Change the Narrative

Too often training, L&D execs purchase content they think their employees want, not really what they are interested in.

How to build an effective online course

How to create an effective online course, regardless of length. Instructional design for anyone.

Scenario Based Learning, The Time is NOW

Interested in building and developing skills with your employees and/or customers? If yes, switch to Scenario Based Learning. Here’s how.

What you need 2 know: 3rd Party Content

The latest on 3rd party content providers. What to look for, what you need to know and what is coming in 2019.

Content is “King”

Too many people think that if their LMS has the latest features, the latest capabilities that all will be well. They are so wrong. First, they have to have the content, specifically the right content.