When those not in L&D or Training are overseeing your learning system

The trend nobody wants to say out loud is happening in the learning system space. People who do not have a background in L&D, Training, even e-learning (tied around either) are not only overseeing your system, they could be overseeing your e-learning. It will have an impact on our workforce, customers, members – around learning online.

LXPs are Heading in the Wrong Direction

LXPs are changing their messaging; from learner-centric, to L&D driven. Is it really in the best interest of the learner or for HR or L&D department?

HR and E-Learning

Human Resources is great for many things at any company, but the notion that HR can easily slide into e-learning and/or be the voice when it comes to selecting a LMS just isn’t the case. Rather it could become a disaster, unless steps are taken.

Trade Show Circuit 2013

In just one month, the e-learning trade show season will be upon us.  While at one time there was little

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