Will the e-learning light finally turn on for all?

The data continues to pour in showing that e-learning is achieving better results than any other form of learning, especially instructor led. So why is is that the training community (and even education) as a whole is still ILT driven, especially with blended learning?

May Edition: E-Learning News and Notes

Read the latest trends including ILT folks finally admitting that online is the way to go (albeit grudgingly), a new sub-genre has arrived and a trend that is coming into focus.

Review of ASTD International Trade Expo

The ASTD International Trade Show Expo wrapped up this week, and it had everything. From very cool products to higher interest in e-learning to great lead gen for vendors. However, it also struck out in numerous ways.

How to Sell a LMS

Selling in the LMS industry can easily be achieved. Yet there are many salespeople who just fail to achieve it. End result – lack of clients. Lack of sales.

Education learning management system trends

While many people assume that education as a whole is on the precipice, online learning is on the rise – for the better. The ones leading this charge are education focused learning management systems.

LMS Stories – Fantasy or Reality?

There are lots of stories out there regarding LMSs. Past ones included the LMS is dead (not true) and LMS customers want only systems that have talent management (not true). Sit back and read some harrowing LMS stories making the rounds and then you decide what is fact from fiction.

Latest Trends in E-Learning

There are numerous trends that are appearing in the marketplace, especially over the past two quarters.