E-Learning Strategy – The Right Way to Success

Creating an e-learning strategy will go a long way to helping you succeed. Not just for the “right now” but also long term. The problem that often arises is people tend to leave out an item or two. This guide will solve that.

Will the e-learning light finally turn on for all?

The data continues to pour in showing that e-learning is achieving better results than any other form of learning, especially instructor led. So why is is that the training community (and even education) as a whole is still ILT driven, especially with blended learning?

May Edition: E-Learning News and Notes

Read the latest trends including ILT folks finally admitting that online is the way to go (albeit grudgingly), a new sub-genre has arrived and a trend that is coming into focus.

Online Learning in Education

Online learning in education continues to grow at a fast pace. Data backs up this up, with K-12 schools getting into the act. Online learning is the answer – from a cost and learning perspective.