Learning System Trends 2024

The latest with learning system trends for 2024. Includes pricing, AI, new learning technology and did I mention Generative AI?

Trends in the Learning System and Tech Space

Seven hot trends that are showing up in 2023. Gen-AI plays a big role with a few of them, but an underlying trend is cost.

Learning Systems Forecasts for 2023

Nine forecasts for the learning system market for 2023. Including career development, SFV, cohort-based learning, pricing increases and deskless workers

Latest in the Learning System Space

It’s early, but there are trends already showing in the learning system. From pricing to skills.

Choose your own Adventure Path

The latest adventures on pricing trends and boosting engagement are right in front of your eyes. Which will you choose?

COVID19 and Learning Systems Trends

Numerous trends are appearing, some are positive, but are unlikely to last through the year, unless vendors are willing to be flexible for their customers.

2020 – The Year of the Hub

The biggest trend in 2020 will be The Hub. Interconnected and intertwined with your learning system.

State of the E-Learning Industry 2019

Looking back at the state of the e-learning industry in 2018 and where we are today in 2019.

Findanlms.com and Trend Lines

Latest on the launch of findanlms.com and trends in the learning system space

Latest Positive Trends In E-Learning

The latest hot trends in the e-learning industry. From deep learning to LMS market size and sales to video and micro-learning