Wake UP CLO’s – Change Now

After attending numerous shows and hearing from numerous CLOs, regardless of the vertical, I repeatedly see and hear the same

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Get Em Back – Ur Learners Ur LMS

There are a lot of ways to get learners to return to using the LMS and taking courses. Find out how your usage percentages can exceed your expectations.

NextGen LMS Features (Now and Later)

Many vendors pitch themselves as next generation but lack the feature sets to truly be.

Latest Positive Trends In E-Learning

The latest hot trends in the e-learning industry. From deep learning to LMS market size and sales to video and micro-learning

Latest Negative E-Learning Trends

We often focus only on the positive trends. Not anymore. Here are the negative ones, which if we do it right, can stop them from continuing down their path (and not in a good way for consumers).

LMS Low Price Model – Active/Annual

The low price model is gaining steam in the LMS industry. But what appears to be a deal, well..

Top 5 LMSs for 2017

Top five LMSs for 2017

Review of Linkedin Learning

Review of the new “in learning” by Linkedin learning platform. Had high hopes, came away disheartened.

Top 10 Higher Ed/EDU LMSs for 2017

Here they are – the top 10 LMSs for higher education and education (K-12) for 2017.