Are we there yet? Latest Trends in the LMS/LP Industry

The latest trends happening in the LMS/LP space. Includes trends on customer segments.

Top Nine Web Conferencing Vendors for 2015 Plus Trends

The top nine web conferencing solutions for 2015. Ideal for webinars and web meetings. Includes trends.

It bothers me – what about you?

If you are like me there are plenty of things to get bothered about in 2015.  Maybe its the supposedly

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LMS Do and Don’ts – Isn’t it time to do what’s right?

Too many people keep falling into the trap of what “not to do”, when finding a LMS. This guide should help them see that doing it the right way is way better than the wrong way.

State of the Authoring Tool Industry 2015

The state of the authoring tool industry for 2015. Responsive is the buzz word for the year, HTML5 right behind it and along the way, some vendors are missing the boat on numerous possibilities.

Future Technologies – Get Ready because they could change the way we learn online

Gain insight into the latest technology either in place now are heading our way. Some of it is ideal for e-learning now, others for learning and yes, even a few for maybe.

Current state of Gamification in the LMS Market

The current state of gamification in the LMS industry is on a positive upswing, but there are still issues to resolve. Until this happens, not everyone gets to play.

And in this corner: LMS and in the other corner – Learning Platform

The time has come. I can now state there are differences between a LMS and learning platform. In the end it is up to each customer to decide which one best meets their needs today and in the future.