Top 10 Learning Systems for 2021

The Top 10 Learning Systems for 2021. Includes criteria and details.

2020 Learning System Awards (by Vertical/Industry)

The best learning systems by vertical/industry for 2020. Includes runner-ups and details.

2020 NexGen T-Grid Learning Systems

The 2020 NexGen Learning Systems Grid from The Craig Weiss Group- video style.

10 Systems I’d recommend on any given day

Here are my top ten systems I’d recommend, on any given day, except holidays. Always verify they meet your use cases, budget, etc.

Gender in the Workplace Study

Covers the approach, early trends and takeaways on research being conducted, related to whether there is gender equality at the exec level or not.

How to Buy a LMS

Finding and buying a LMS can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Knowing the jargon, deciding whether you want to go it alone or hire a consultant and understanding how vendors think, are essential keys. The question is how will you use those keys.

State of the LMS 2012

The LMS industry as a whole, continues to ignore what many e-learning customers are seeking in terms of features. Consumers want stronger administrative capabilities, more consumer marketplace components and mobile.