Reskilling vs Skilling, E-Learning Selection, and more

Mailbag questions from readers – covers reskilling vs skilling; seeking a consultant for strategy and selecting an LMS, LXP, learning platform and what is relevant when looking at any type of learning system.

COVID-19 and its Impact on Learning

COVID19 will require changes to be made at the workplace, one of which, is learning. Equally, for education, where e-learning can make a positive difference.

Informal, Formal – End 4 E-Learning

Formal learning and informal learning are for folks who remember the good ol’days and think it applies now for online. It doesn’t.

Creating an e-learning strategy that works

Creating an e-learning strategy up front will save you a lot of time down the road. Yet, many people jump right into the middle of it without figuring it out beforehand. The result? Mixed.

Y R Some Vendors confused about e-learning?

As e-learning grows so come new challenges and issues to resolve. The latest to show up? Lack of e-learning knowledge and expertise. For those that offer it, they tend to hide in the shadows.

ASTD TechKnowledge 2013, Day 2

Wow, wasn’t that marching band fantastic? I loved the lip synch of that tune. Okay, time for the 2nd half

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LMS 201

There continues to be a lot of disinformation out there when it comes to learning management systems. Hopefully this article will clear up a few things.

The grades are in for Education focused LMSs

The K-12 education learning management systems are starting to understand the needs of the teachers and their students. While some systems are in the failing mark, there are a few who truly deserve an A.

Halftime! LMS trends though July

Sixth months are nearly gone and with that comes a few LMS trends I am seeing in the space.