E-Learning: A worldwide perspective

A few days ago, I mentioned in my Linkedin group that I was reading the Himalayan Times which had an

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How to choose the right LMS

Choosing a LMS is no easy task. It takes time and dedication on the part of the buyer.

Q&A from Blog Readers on E-Learning

There is nothing like interaction. Especially when it comes in the form of questions from readers of the blog and

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Four LMS Trends whose hype isn’t meeting reality

Right now, the hype machine is in overload with four hot trends in the LMS market. But what is being hyped isn’t necessarily grounded in reality. Rather just the opposite.

ET and E-Learning

Emerging technology has the power to impact e-learning for the better. Here are four ETs that I see as potential impact players in the industry.

Top Ten Learning Management Systems – July Rankings

The latest top ten rankings for learning management systems. July edition.

MOOC – Setup for Failure?

MOOCs are continuing to fail due to low completion rates. While the premise is sound, MOOCs are inherently flawed.

Congrats on your new LMS! But Wait..

I want to be the first in a long line of folks to congratulate on getting that new LMS. If

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LMS Setup Fees: For some vendors it’s a cash cow

A trend that is making its way through the LMS market is an increase in one time setup fees.

Features that are must haves in any LMS

Besides having a modern and crisp UI, easy navigation and support, the difference between a great system and an average system are the features. But just having the minimal doesn’t cut it.