Latest News and Notes

Learn about, my new system, plus latest around skills, mentoring and FindAnLMS

EdTech and Skills

EdTech learning systems are exploring adding skills specifically around job roles/opportunities. What the systems really need are skills and interests. Not just job specific.

Get Your Red Hot Skills Functionality

The level and capabilities of skills are rapidly evolving in the learning system space. What’s hot in 21? What will be even hotter in 2022? This post reveals all.

The Latest on the TXP market

The Talent Development market is fluid. New trends are appearing. The newest will shock, the Combo TDPs are coming.

Skills for The Future

What exactly are the skills of the future? The future of work around certain skills? If you think it is just tied to the job role, you are going to be disappointed. Life skills will play a crucial role in 2022, as will these other skills (in the post).