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Sales Training – isn’t just handing over some courses and saying – take these and you are all set. It is about courses, coaching combo with AI and humans, real world scenarios and delivering success.

How to build mass through marketing your new learning system. Say goodbye to under usage.

Way to many people in L&D or Training who buy a learning system believe that after you launch it, and offer content people will use it. Then when they don’t they blame on others. Why? Because they ignored ongoing marketing techniques.

Acquistions – Someone had an idea

Someone came up the idea. The initial idea. To acquire. To sell. The world is full of ideas, let’s take a look at some of them when it comes to acquisitions.

Home Built or Commercial for your Learning System

The arguments for going open source free when building your own in-house system, is no longer applicable. On top of that, there is always a cost, often at the expense of your learners.

Interview with Instructional Design Pioneer, Dean Pichee

Learn the latest around instructional design, methods you can use as a novice or expert, and where the industry is heading, with the learning expert in the industry, Dean Pichee, CEO and Founder of Biz Library.

Reskilling vs Skilling, E-Learning Selection, and more

Mailbag questions from readers – covers reskilling vs skilling; seeking a consultant for strategy and selecting an LMS, LXP, learning platform and what is relevant when looking at any type of learning system.

AI in the Workplace – How Accurate R the Results?

AI in the workplace is being pushed as an already to go technology, for some companies. The problem is the results are inconsistent, there continues to be bugs, and your employees are ill-informed. The output? Doesn’t bode well for now.

Learning System Relationships – Renew or Break Free

Do you stay with your LMS, LXP, Learning Platform or other type of learning system? Or do you break up the relationship?