MOOC – Setup for Failure?

MOOCs are continuing to fail due to low completion rates. While the premise is sound, MOOCs are inherently flawed.

How to succeed with online learning for colleges and universities

While the growth of online learning in higher education is rapid, it still receives as a whole an “F”. It doesn’t have to be.

ILT is turning WBT in2 ILT online – its not working

Many of us attend seminars and presentations that are boring, theory based and lack engagement. We sit in the back of the room, not paying attention or sitting by the doors, ready to bolt. Yet, we seem to have no issue with sticking it online, under the guide of effective learning.

Asynch, Synch..And the Winner is?

There are two types of e-learning: Asynchronous Based Learning and Synchronous Based Learning. While one offers full interactivity and true adaptive learning wrapped in a non-linear approach, the other does not. So are they both really WBT? I say no.