Questions 2 Ask B4 Implementing a LMS

When companies decide to move forward with a LMS/LCMS, they often fail to ask key questions on their infrastructure, their accessibility, security and how end users plan to use the system and access it. Questions need to be raised and answers need to be clarified before any such implementation.

Off the Shelf Seats and LMS seats

If you purchase 50 seats for off the shelf courses and you have 500 seats in your LMS, only 50 end users can access the off the shelf courses and not all 500 end users, unless you are indifferent to tracking. One seat – one user name, one password.

SCORM: What you should be asking your LMS Vendor to be

SCORM, SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004, AICC what does it all mean? Better yet, what does it mean to YOU when trying to find that LMS or LCMS vendor? How do you know that they really know what they are talking about? I’ll provide you with some questions to ask your future to be LMS vendor to make sure you select the right one for your company!

Static E-Learning – DANGER Will Robinson!

99% of today’s web based training courses are nothing more than static content – text, with some photos or text with a video of someone talking next to it. End users get bored and rush through the course never to come back. You can make any topic fully interactive and engaging – so that your end users will comprehend, retain and synthesize the information. Best of all, you can do it at a low cost.

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