Quick News and Notes

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The Essentials

The new pages of E-Learning 24/7 can be found under “The E-Learning Essentials”.  You can find these new pages looking at the column bar that lists “Blogroll” first, and then you will see the “Essentials”.

These new pages will feature “the essentials” for a specific topic of e-learning software. For example: The debut category is “Screen Capture”.    Going forward, new pages will be listed by “software category”. Example: Image Editing, and so forth.  This is not a mega list of everything that is out there, but rather key picks that have “the essentials”, and are either FREE or extremely low cost (under $30).    BTW, I am not affiliated with nor will ever be affiliated with any of the software products. I DO NOT accept funds, freebies, benefits or goodies or whatever from any vendor of a software product I list.

Additional News:

I will be working with Brandon-Hall as a LMS Analyst. Brandon-Hall is the leader in the e-learning research industry, and whose e-learning awards are similar to someone being nominated to the Academy Awards and winning it.  Highly sought after, highly prestigious.

New URL Address for this blog: www.elearninfo.com

Topic: Dec. 20th – Web Conferencing for Webinars – What You Need To Ask  UR Potential Vendor + Features U Need

E-Learning 24/7
