Surprises so Far in 2023

What are the biggest surprises so far in 2023? RCATs and their negative impact, underwhelming and over-hyped e-learning solutions and “clients” – are they current or not? You might be surprised.

3rd Trend – Performance

The third early trend in the learning system space is Performance. Some systems are jumping right in, others as add-ons, and still others, avoiding. Who’s right? It depends on your audience.

Latest in the Learning System Space

It’s early, but there are trends already showing in the learning system. From pricing to skills.

When those not in L&D or Training are overseeing your learning system

The trend nobody wants to say out loud is happening in the learning system space. People who do not have a background in L&D, Training, even e-learning (tied around either) are not only overseeing your system, they could be overseeing your e-learning. It will have an impact on our workforce, customers, members – around learning online.

Latest in the Learning System Market

Find out what is the latest happening in the learning system space. Topics include hiring, Capital, Managed Services, LMS with LXP or vice versa, and acquisition perspective.

Choose your own Adventure Path

The latest adventures on pricing trends and boosting engagement are right in front of your eyes. Which will you choose?

2020 – The Year of the Hub

The biggest trend in 2020 will be The Hub. Interconnected and intertwined with your learning system. and Trend Lines

Latest on the launch of and trends in the learning system space

Latest Negative E-Learning Trends

We often focus only on the positive trends. Not anymore. Here are the negative ones, which if we do it right, can stop them from continuing down their path (and not in a good way for consumers).