When your LMS BFF is no longer

A recent study found that 26% of LMS customers are unhappy with their LMS. I have seen higher numbers as well. The point of it all is that those “retention rates” are really misleading because many people are not happy. It can change.

LMS Setup Fees: For some vendors it’s a cash cow

A trend that is making its way through the LMS market is an increase in one time setup fees.

Features that are must haves in any LMS

Besides having a modern and crisp UI, easy navigation and support, the difference between a great system and an average system are the features. But just having the minimal doesn’t cut it.

How to Buy a LMS

Finding and buying a LMS can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Knowing the jargon, deciding whether you want to go it alone or hire a consultant and understanding how vendors think, are essential keys. The question is how will you use those keys.

Answering your LMS Questions

With the power of Linkedin, Quora and other social media sites, people will seek answers on their next LMS. It is inevitable. This blog will help you answer those questions ahead of time, without the spin.

What consumers want in a LMS – can you say WOW?

A huge issue facing the industry is a hubris mentality. They believe that their system doesn’t need a new look because their current customers are not asking for it. Yet beauty is in the eye of the beholder and a new breed of customers are not seeing it in many LMSs.

State of the LMS 2012

The LMS industry as a whole, continues to ignore what many e-learning customers are seeking in terms of features. Consumers want stronger administrative capabilities, more consumer marketplace components and mobile.

It’s Demo Time

Typically the first thing people do when interested about a system, is to request a demo. You would think this would be a simple and pain free experience. Yet for some vendors, simple doesn’t exist but pain does – and it all comes to you wrapped up in a “chat”.