PENS – Why your LMS and Authoring Tool Solution should include it

Paul Schneider in my opinion is one of the guru’s in the authoring tool industry. I have been fortunate to

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Creating an e-learning strategy that works

Creating an e-learning strategy up front will save you a lot of time down the road. Yet, many people jump right into the middle of it without figuring it out beforehand. The result? Mixed.

When your LMS BFF is no longer

A recent study found that 26% of LMS customers are unhappy with their LMS. I have seen higher numbers as well. The point of it all is that those “retention rates” are really misleading because many people are not happy. It can change.

Compliance, LMS and Content – Boring You Bet, Then again..

Compliance training online has never brought joy to employees, rather it has brought dullness. The content has become a commodity and usually a poor one at that. And while many people think a LMS was created for compliance, the reality is it wasn’t.