Virtual Reality – The Reality is that VR is not ready for real time learning (at least not yet)

Virtual Reality headsets are already on the market, but in 2016, when some of the bigger names, Oculus Rift and Morpheus hit the scene. And let’s not forget about Microsoft. As for learning technology (digital by 2018), e-learning (online) by 2020.

Naming Names – LMS Mini Reviews

The latest feature from E-Learning 24/7 provides insight into what is happening with some LMS vendors along with mini takes (reviews) on lesser known systems (coming in May).

R U Maximizing your M-Learning Experience?

We use mobile devices every day and yet each and every day we fail to see their potential. Their potential for learning that is.

Saudi Arabia, E-Learning and What’s Next (the industry)

The e-learning and distance learning conference in Saudi Arabia, brought a whole new perspective on what is taking place with e-learning in the Kingdom. It was enlightening and exciting.